Be the change agent.
You have a rupee and i have one. We exchange it with each other. We still have a rupee each.
This is transaction. I have an idea and you have an idea. We exchange, and now both of us have two ideas.
This is transformation.
In a relationship, discuss issues and only issues, and it is a transactional relationship. Begin to invest in issueless-moments and you will create a transformational relationship, where you will grow, the other will grow and yes Joy the relationship tooooooo will grow.
Let everything that passes by you gain value.
Let every life that crosses your life be changed for the better.
Add value to every moment... Add value to every relation.
Transform every transaction by adding value to it.
Be an alchemist.
In helping others to become better, you become better.
Let everything become better in your presence.
Leadership is in evolving transactional opportunities into transformational opportunities.
Lead the way....
Be a change agent.
Keep going.... And Keep helping people to keep growing :)
Happy May..!!