When you listen if you are arguing, if you are judging , If you are saying this is right and this is not..
If you are continuously sorting out things inside, that means you are listening but not listening well.
You are listening with your past interfering.
Who is this judging?
It is not you, it is your past.
You have read a few things, heard a few more..and you have been conditioned for a few other things.
It is the past continuously interfering. Do you know..The past wants to perpetuate itself, It does not allow anything that can disrupt it.
It does not allow anything new. It only allows the old that fits with it. That's what you go on doing when you judge, when you DISCUSS INSIDE AND DEBATE.
if you have really opened up yourself and there is no interference or disturbance inside.. only then you have opened your heart.
And if the seed falls into the heart, sooner or later it will become a tree, sooner or later it is going to bloom.
It may take a little time for it to become a tree. It will have to wait for the right season, for the spring to come, but it will definitely become a tree.