Journey so faaarrrr

Saturday, 29 August 2015

Love must free, Not Stifle

Joy,  it should nurture happiness and freedom.. not create scary control zones of its own!!

Why should loving someone mean constantly living in their hair??

I would like to spend quality time with him, and carry the happiness and peace from there to all spheres of life.
I cannot just be a beloved; I am a daughter, a sister,  a friend, a professional and a woman with my own pursuits too. That does not mean he would not still be the most important focus of my life.

Interestingly, Man have same complaints. It is so demeaning to them to constantly explain themselves to a woman. Her watch on-  the accounts for the hours spent away from her, untraceable whatsapp radar,  last seens..etc However, that does not mean he's unfaithful. ........
It is more of a deep need to be trusted, and a desire to keep one's space sacrosanct.

"Emotional Intensity in this era of intrusive technology,  is SCARY rather than DESIRABLE"

I would prefer a free-flowing, friendly and respectful FREE relationship. Wait hang on, Personal freedom doesn't mean the 'freedom to cheat'. It basically means that you do not try to control or question each other. It implies deep RESPECT and granting each other some privacy and personal space,  and accepting each other with unconditional love.
It implies deeeeeeeep faith.
Indeed,  nobody wishes to be answerable to another;  I personally insist on guarding our personal spaces, and still being trusted. 

In this era, where also Economic freedom has helped to stretch personal limits, romance should adapt too and make space for personal freedom.

How eyes that adore, pretty soon turn watchful;
Loving thoughts turn suspicious;
And delight in moments together becomes demand for exclusivity... then, It is best to start off as you mean to go on- to understand each other's need to nurture and protect his or her space and identity.

Sooo, What may have been aspirational once is ridiculous and scary today to someone.
Being in Love doesn't bring the rest of life to a standstill.

What you look for is just an island of peace where you can plug in to recharge before returning to the chaotic world.

Love cannot and must not be allowed to create a terror zone of its own.
Rightly said, Love should nurture freedom, not stifle it.

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