"I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery" is a translation of a Latin phrase that Thomas Jefferson used: "Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem."
As India celebrates its 72nd Independence Day on August 15, I came across the above thought provoking quote which gives me a chance to ponder upon what is freedom and slavery in today's world.
Happy to hear what it means to you then just being forwarded an Independence day image.
To me freedom is to be able to make decisions and choices independently, to be able to breathe freely.
To me freedom is getting an opportunity to know who I really am and discovering my strengths and weaknesses.
To me freedom is living the way I want to, wearing clothes that I like, eating what I relish, speaking to whomsoever I want to or going to wherever my mind wanders to.
Freedom is the basis of reason. To be able to question everything before blindly accepting my fate. To question what is right and what is wrong without being afraid of any threats.
To me freedom is to be able to connect with my responsibilities I associate myself with.
All too often I see people with their noses stuck to their iphones, iPods, even when they are publicly with someone else.
I think we all have different reasons for using social networking but..
Slavery to me is when i find it hard to keep my nimble thumbs off my key-pad for just a few moments of digital satisfaction.
Slavery to me is when i am unable to decide who needs my undivided attention and respect, when social media has an irrepressible hold on me.
Technology means we’re always on, always plugged in, always stimulated, always in a constant state of self-presentation.
But just because we invented a powerful technology doesn't mean we have to become its slaves.
Thus, with this introspection on our independence day, i would work towards improving my human FREEDOM and reduce my technological SLAVERY.
What about you?
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